The 6 best Italian virtual museums | Home In Italy Magazine

The 6 best Italian virtual museums

Home In Italy Magazine

Feb 122021The 6 best Italian virtual museums More and more places of art and culture are taking numerous initiatives in order to show their treasures to homebound visitors. Not sure where to start? We recommend to start your virtual tour from these unmissable museums
Tagstourism, tours, travel, news, off the beaten track, experience

More and more places of art and culture are taking numerous initiatives in order to show their treasures to homebound visitors.
Several of the major museums in Italy have decided to make their spaces and their works accessible in virtual mode to ensure visitors from all over the world the possibility to immerse themselves in the beauty of Italian art from the comfort of home.
While waiting to be able to visit in person Italy's immense cultural heritage again, we suggest some of the best Italian museums to visit with a click.
Not sure where to start? We recommend to start your virtual tour from these unmissable museums:

1. Uffizi Gallery, Florence, Tuscany

The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, has created a virtual tour project: a 360 ° tour through the rooms of the museum to admire its masterpieces including the collection of the most precious works by Botticelli and Raphael. High definition and in-depth information are guaranteed in this virtual tour in which different thematic itineraries are proposed from room to room.

Discover here the best places to stay in central Florence.

2. The Sistine Chapel and the Vatican Museums
You can choose among eight different and equally beautiful itineraries, so make yourself comfortable on your sofa and welcome to the Vatican Museums!
Here you can take a 360 ° tour of the wonderful Sistine Chapel, the most precious artistic treasure of the Vatican.
Another virtual itinerary will take you to the Raphael Rooms, the papal apartments frescoed by the great artist from Urbino, and to some of the most important collections, such as the Pio-Clementino Museum, which houses Greek and Roman sculptures, the Chiaramonti Museum with its new section Braccio Nuovo, which exhibits sculptures, sarcophagi and stone inscriptions, the Profane Museum with Greek and Roman antiquities, the Niccolina Chapel, frescoed by Beato Angelico, and the Sala dei Chiaroscuri, with important works by Raphael.

You will find all the proposed virtual itineraries at this link on the Vatican Musems website.

The Sistine Chapel and the Vatican Museums

3. Egyptian Museum, Turin, Piedmont

Italy hosts the second most important Egyptian art museum in the world after the one in Cairo.
The Egyptian Museum of Turin has decided to offer its immense heritage to the public in a virtual mode. In addition to the possibility of accessing the database of the online collection, visiting exhibition halls, display cases and “browsing” every single historical find, thanks to a 3D reproduction it is also possible to take a virtual tour of the temporary exhibition "Invisible Archeology".

Egyptian Museum, Turin, Piedmont

4. Quirinal Stables
If you are passionate about Raphael, we truly recommend a virtual visit of the Quirinal Stablesin Rome. Through this exhibition called "Raffaello 1520 - 1483" available until June 2, you will be immersed in the life and works of one of the greatest Italian artists. Over 200 canvases, tapestries, drawings and letters from all over the world reveal the mastery of this great Renaissance artist, as well as curious anecdotes about his life.

Quirinal Stables

Discover here the best places to stay in Rome.

5. Baths of Caracalla, Rome
They represent one of the greatest examples of imperial baths and are the best preserved. Built on the slopes of the Aventino they were inaugurated in 216 by Caracalla. The water supply of the Baths was provided by a branch of the Acqua Marcia aqueduct, which, passing the Via Appia, rested on the already existing Arch of Drusus, near Porta San Sebastiano. The plan of the complex has a rectangular shape and was a place not only dedicated to sports and body care but also to study and strolling. The Baths ceased their function in 535 during the Gothic War. Following the abandonment, they were looted and the precious materials were removed to be reused in other
buildings. Click and visit the Themae Antoninianae.

Baths of Caracalla, Rome

6. Ferrari Museum, Maranello (Modena)
A dive into Ferrari history of yesterday and today. The museum is dedicated to the famous Prancing Horse Italian car manufacturer.
The museum doesn’t collect only cars, but it also exhibits prizes, photographs and other historical objects related to the history of Italian motoring. Go to the virtual tour here.

Ferrari Museum, Maranello (Modena)


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